The Grove Country Club Estates
Privacy Guidelines

Dear residents,

We understand and respect your need for privacy and don’t want you to lose that while living here at The Grove.  Instead of disallowing public access and creating ban lines, please install a security orb instead.  To eliminate ban lines, simply go to ABOUT LAND (World/Parcel Details), go to the ACCESS tab and make sure the “Anyone can visit” check box is CHECKED. When setting up your orb, we’d like to ask you to follow the following rules when setting them up.  Also, you need to allow staff to always enter your property in the event of a region issue.  We will only access your parcel if necessary for normal operations of the region.

Here is a MP link to a good security orb if you need to buy one:

Please follow these simple instructions in addition to the set-up instructions that come with your orb:

  1. Allow at LEAST 30 seconds before ejecting anyone
  2. Make sure The Grove staff is on your allowed list (see below)
  3. Do NOT teleport home, simply eject.
  4. Set to parcel limit

Following these simple guidelines will allow us all to enjoy The Grove to its fullest without jeopardizing your privacy. Failure to abide by these rules will result in your security orb being returned to you. 

Please add the following avatars to your access list. Please do not set them as Admins unless specifically requested by Crito:

  • TheGroveSL
  • Crito Galtier
  • Ginger Bloom Galtier (gingerbloom)
  • Lιly Hαwĸ (natalierives)
  • Diana Takeda
  • Dar Writer
  • Kasslina (kasslinamoonglow)
  • Olivia Raven (vayne.xevion)
  • Val Mercier (holycurses)


Thank you!

Crito Galtier and The Grove staff.

Please contact Crito Galtier in world or by email if you have any questions;