Thanks For The Memories

Over the past 14 amazing years, The Grove has created amazing memories, has been the stage for many special moments for musicians as well as people’s special life moments and has set a bar for creativity and beauty unlike anything Second Life has ever seen. The time has come to look to new horizons and adventures both in Second Life and Real Life. And so, we will bid farewell to The Grove as we know it today by the end of August, 2024.

We’re not going away completely but rather will scale back considerably into a more private community with a more intimate presence.  This has not been an easy decision for me and my family. The Grove has been the heart of our lives for many years. Thanks to The Grove and its many neighbors and friends over the years, we’ve made some amazing friendships that will last a lifetime and hope to spend more time nurturing those.

Thank you from  the bottom of my heart for the wonderful memories you’ve helped create! I look forward to creating new memories now and looking forward to having you be a part of those.

Crito Galtier

Should you wish to be a part of The New Grove, you can join our wait list here.